2010年6月3日 星期四

Frog and Toad Stories

Jethro's Frog and Toad drawing and description

Adam's drawing and description

2010年5月6日 星期四

The Field Trip

I have drunk some milk. I was very happy. The farm has a cow. The farm has a sheep. The farm has a horse. The farm has a rabbit. The farm has a pig. The farm is big. The farm has bread.

Jethro reading Johnny Appleseed, Part 1

The place is big. I climbed the mountain for three hours. The food is yummy. I am very happy. The bed is soft. There are many places you can play. The snack is noodles. I bought square cookies. I went to the train station. There are many foods there.

Joyce reading Paul Bunyon Part 1

2010年1月15日 星期五